AI-driven decision helper for you or your group
Faster agreements that stick

First, enter your situation to extract relevant variables

You can invite people to your space anytime. Only those you invite will be able to see and interact with your posts.

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Image describing feature

Edit, check, uncheck variables to change AI outputs

Explore multiple possibilities without living through them. You can add custom variables, like your preferences or constraints as well.

Get unique insights for each configuration

Choose from options, scenarios, first principles, questions, perspective, custom.

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Image describing feature

From AI outputs, more AI outputs

Get even more useful outputs from existing useful outputs. Every output is a manipulatable, usable block. Compare, find middleground, synthesize, simplify.

Join or create new collaborative space

Invite by simply entering their email.

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Image describing feature

Enlarge your perspectives

Describe a person to get that person's viewpoints on your issue.

Add your custom prompts

Generate insights based on your custom needs.

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Full screen image